There are many students that aspire to become entrepreneurs, so gaining valuable knowledge and sharpening your skills can allow you to stand out from the crowd and succeed in your career. One of the best ways to do so is by getting qualifications in the area you wish to progress in. This means that the best option will vary between individuals, as it will be determined by preferred industries or personal aptitude. However, there will be something out there that will work for you – you just need to do some research. If you want to become an entrepreneur and you want to grow your knowledge, here are 9 recommended qualifications that will allow you to progress within multiple areas and fields.
A business qualification offers upward mobility to entrepreneurs and is a common degree to have. Many entrepreneurs take this path because it will teach them about every aspect that surrounds planning, growing, launching, protecting, and operating a business. This deep understanding of business allows entrepreneurs to become self-starting professionals as they will be prepared to handle business operations and make critical predictions. To grow their knowledge even further, completing an MSc Business Management with Entrepreneurship online with Aston University will build a unique and desirable skill set.
Maintaining good relationships is key to business success, so having a qualification in communications will give a person the skills that they need to achieve this. Communication graduates normally end up working within an area of law, public relations, broadcasting, human resources, or management. People who have studied communications will know how to communicate effectively verbally and in writing. They will also have the confidence to reach out and engage with other people. Having these skills will benefit an entrepreneur in many ways, as they are important within all areas of a business.
Computer Science
Today, technology is essential for a business to succeed and many businesses have started to create smartphone apps. There are many benefits to developing an app, but in order to have one, companies need to employ people who understand app development and software. A degree in computer science will teach you everything you need to know about effective app design and development. This qualification is perfect for entrepreneurs who would like to start launching tech start-ups. It is also a field that will need to be continuously studied, as technology evolves and emerges at a rapid rate.
Economics is a recommended qualification for anyone who wants to start their own business. This is because students on this programme will learn about how the economy works, as well as markets and things that consumers will value. Students will also be taught how to make smarter and more informed decisions and collect user feedback, which can be used in the future to create stronger strategies. A considerable amount of education is required to understand how markets function. Entrepreneurs who need to collect in-depth information and research will benefit from an economics qualification.
Engineering qualifications will keep people up-to-date with world and technological changes. It’s now multidisciplinary, which means it combines several professional specialisations and academic disciplines to help people approach problems in the best way. The skills that are taught to students studying engineering will be used to launch and run a business and in every aspect of planning. There are specific areas of engineering that can be studied, which should be researched by interested applicants. The benefits of hiring an engineering graduate are becoming more recognised.
Environmental Science
Understanding the environment is both valuable and essential. If you are an entrepreneur who wants to make green improvements to various industries, then qualifying in environmental science is highly recommended. Those who choose to follow this route are often referred to as ecopreneurs or eco-entrepreneurs. Green changes need to benefit a company as well as an environment, so having this knowledge will protect the future of the planet while helping a business succeed. The concept of a green economy, sustainability, and education will be made clear to environmental science students.
Entrepreneurs with a finance qualification will know how to create financial statements, track cash flow, perform accounting functions, and operate in-depth financial analyses. One of the main reasons why businesses fail is due to cash flow issues, so knowing how to maintain the overall financial health of a company is a highly desirable skill to possess. Those who complete a finance qualification will have a great eye for detail and will make smart financial decisions for businesses. This degree is ideal for those who want to manage company finances, start a business in accounting, or create a finance app.
To remain competitive, it is essential that every entrepreneur understands how to market a business. As the internet grows, opportunities that will save and make the company money while growing their client base are constantly increasing and adapting. Without innovative marketing, a business will not be able to build a reputation or become established. Entrepreneurs who have a marketing degree will know everything from building brand awareness to identifying a target market. They will know how to communicate, use technology, and remain creative, which can be applied to any type of business.
Some of the best entrepreneurs will possess a deep understanding of people. They will know how to recognise the relationships between different types of behaviours and the problems that have led to that outcome. They will also work well with their team and will be able to inspire them to work harder, perform better, and become more innovative. A qualification in psychology will teach people this knowledge and can create a successful entrepreneur. This degree choice will come into use when you make sales, plan marketing strategies, hire employees, and build a strong team for a specific project.
Qualifying in one of the above subjects at any level will make you feel more comfortable in your career while helping you to stand out from the crowd. They are versatile too, which means that they can be applied to many different types of businesses and industries, so you won’t be limited to one area.