Artificial Intelligence That Feels Real: 2024 AI Trends

By Srikanth
7 Min Read
Artificial Intelligence That Feels Real: 2024 AI Trends 1

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made waves in more pools than one. From the business pool to the entertainment pool, this modern form of technology has changed the way we humans do and run things. In 2024, there are plenty of expectations as to what this technology will bring. Let’s take a look at some of the advances we can expect in 2024.


AI Customized Business Software

Businesses across the globe have started introducing AI into the workplace. One way that it has been introduced is via tailor-made generative AI Applications. For a business to function properly and achieve success, data tracking and personalized experiences are a must. With these AI applications, all those needs can be achieved.

By tracking customer preferences as well as employee likes and dislikes, this technology will enable businesses to function optimally and deliver the appropriate responses each time. The business world is a competitive one, and with the rise of AI, many businesses are attempting to reach the top spot with the latest technology and new ways to use it.

One of the other ways in which it is being used is to analyse market trends. AI is capable of sorting through large volumes of data to identify patterns and trends within a certain market. This will help businesses to not only recognise what is currently trending, but it can help them to stay one step ahead of their competitors and predict what’s next to come within their industry or field.

AI for Entertainment 

For those using AI for entertainment purposes, such as social interaction, watching movies or playing games online, you want your experience to be all about you. For example, AI algorithms recommend what movie you should watch next on streaming platforms. So, if you’re watching the latest Denzel Washington movie, your streaming provider is likely to recommend some fast-actioned thrillers for you. This setup also works for music as well.

In gaming, AI can actually help improve your gameplay to make you a better player. Take poker for example. Many people won’t realise this, but AI can help you to learn from past games and improve. This isn’t just aimed at novices or those new to the game. Take Seth Davis for example, who has over $14 million in earnings throughout his career. Despite his successes, he is constantly trying to improve his game, hence recently turning to AI for assistance. 

He’s been using an AI-based tool called PioSOLVER. Davis reflects upon his recent gameplay and inputs some of the hands he has been dealt to see how he could have done things differently. By learning from his mistakes in the past, he believes, he is now a better player. 

Now to some, this could be a costly exercise as it means having to spend money to play, practice and learn from your mistakes. However, you could make use of free poker tournaments so you can practice as much as you like without having to spend a penny. You can transfer the skills you learn in free tournaments to real-money ones at a later stage, if you choose.

It can also keep you safe when online enjoying your favorite pastimes by detecting threats before any harm is done. This is especially useful when you’re entering banking or personal details.

Workplaces Are Working Hard to Diversify Using AI

AI tools not only help businesses during the hiring process but will also help potential employees have a fair chance at achieving employment thanks to certain diversity measures.

AI development is pushing for more inclusivity in both the private and public sectors. In Europe, certain regulations under the AI Regulations Act have been brought into place. These will require the correct processing of HR data, which simply means that firms will have to abide by the law when it comes to their workers’ rights. The result of ignoring these regulations will be extensive fines for whichever businesses decide to ignore them. 

Some of the technology being introduced will allow employees to go through personalized training programs. These will educate workers from a variety of different backgrounds. These programs help workers start off on a level that they are all familiar with. 

The increase in the attention to AI development in the HR department has had a permanent impact on how businesses run things. The push for a more diverse workplace and anti-biased way of hiring has highlighted the particular biases adopted in the workplace and has provided many with insight into how to run a happy team that is efficient and diverse. 

Making Waves

Artificial Intelligence is making waves in multiple industries, but especially the business and entertainment worlds, in 2024. As a consumer, your experience with a business will be safer and more ethical as your information will now be protected by legal regulations no matter what country you are in. As a potential employee, your chances of being treated fairly and equally are guaranteed. As a business, your rate of success can be greatly increased due to various factors. Teams that function happily and successfully are what you need to operate efficiently. And when it comes to entertainment, you will have a more tailored experience, which should hopefully lead to greater enjoyment. 

The world of AI is ever-growing and fast-changing. This does make it more difficult to keep up with, but with the innovative companies that have been charged with policing it, 2024 will be a year of regulations that will ensure safe practice.

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