Cerebri AI named a 2019 Cool Vendor in Artificial Intelligence for Customer Analytics by Gartner

By Srikanth
3 Min Read
Cerebri AI named a 2019 Cool Vendor in Artificial Intelligence for Customer Analytics by Gartner 1

Cerebri AI, today announced that it has been selected by Gartner, Inc. as a ‘2019 Cool Vendor for Artificial Intelligence for Customer Analytics’, a new category created by Gartner this year that recognizes the explosive impact AI can have in understanding customers at scale.


Cerebri AI, an enterprise software start-up that uses patented AI to measure a customer’s commitment to a brand, that for first time can be used directly to drive financial results via a recommended series of action(s) tailored to each customer.

Examining solutions from five ‘Cool Vendors’ that extend the AI for customer analytics technology landscape, Gartner’s report states that “Cerebri AI could become the most useful tool… of a CX professional and marketer”.

Gartner went on to say: “The Cerebri Values system calculates monetary values for each event in every customer’s journey, then predicts the most opportune moments and the corresponding “best action” for maximizing brand engagement and business results.

“The Cerebri Values system uses a range of AI techniques, including machine learning and reinforcement learning, to analyze each touchpoint across a shopper’s journey. The system then quantifies the customer’s commitment at any point in the timeline to the brand overall (as well as specific products), expressed in monetary values.”

Jean Belanger, CEO and co-founder of Cerebri AI, said: “We are honored to be recognized as a Gartner 2019 Cool Vendor.  Gartner is the world’s largest research and advisory firm, and highly respected for their razor-sharp analysis and advice.”

Belanger continues: “The cool thing about our approach is that we are not trying to measure a customer’s view or sentiment about an event. We are looking at the entire journey to understand where the customer is with their commitment to a company’s brand and products. To be a proactive brand, you need to understand the customer journey itself, and the billions of patterns of interactions evidenced in your data. The only way to do this is to take full advantage of Machine Learning, scaling your results to dollars and cents, so everyone in your business can understand what it all means.”

The report, authored by Jessica Ekholm, Tuong Nguyen, Brian Manusama, Saniye Alaybeyi, Jason Daigler at Gartner, Inc., is available here.

About Cerebri AI

Leveraging the massive amounts of customer data recorded by Fortune 500 companies, Cerebri AI delivers actionable insights via its patented Cerebri Values system, which uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to personalize customer experience (CX) at scale. Cerebri Values quantifies each customer’s commitment to a brand or product and dynamically predicts the best actions driving financial results. Headquartered in Austin with offices in Toronto and Washington, DC, the company has 50 employees and is backed by M12, Microsoft’s venture fund. To learn more about Cerebri AI and the Cerebri Values system, visit cerebriai.com.

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