Expectations around Quantum Computers

By Srikanth
6 Min Read
Expectations around Quantum Computers

The tech industry is still on the lookout for the next big thing. The story is similar when it comes to quantum computing, and the quest for the greatest performance improvement in technical history has been ongoing for quite some time. Although we haven’t yet broken any computational speed records by using counterintuitive physics at subatomic scales, we have progressed from the hypothetical level. IBM, Google, and Microsoft have made significant investments in quantum computing and still dominate the market, but others are quickly catching up. In this article, we will learn more about what are these quantum computers and what to expect from them.


Quantum Computers

Quantum computers are devices that store data and perform calculations based on the probability of an object’s state before it is calculated, using quantum mechanics properties. This can be very useful for some tasks where they can greatly outperform even the most powerful supercomputers. These computers are more powerful than traditional computers at processing large and complex datasets. They use quantum mechanics fundamentals to accelerate the process of solving complex calculations. These calculations often include an ostensibly infinite number of variables, and their possible applications range from genomics to finance.

Types of Quantum computing

Quantum computing can be divided into three categories. The amount of processing power (qubits) required, the number of potential applications, and the time it takes to become commercially viable vary for each form.

  • Quantum Annealing – The best method for solving optimization problems is by quantum annealing. Among the many possible combinations of variables, researchers are attempting to find the optimal and most effective configuration.
  • Quantum Simulation – Quantum simulations look at complex quantum physics issues that are beyond the capabilities of classical systems. One of the most significant applications of quantum computing may be simulating complex quantum phenomena. Modelling the effect of a chemical stimulation on a large number of subatomic particles, also known as quantum chemistry, is a promising field for simulation.
  • Quantum Computing – The quantum computer’s basic concept is that you could point it at any massively complex computation and get a fast answer. This involves things like solving the annealing equations and simulating quantum phenomena, among other things.

Why & Where?

Working memory on supercomputers is insufficient to hold the countless variations of real-world problems. Each combination must be analysed one by one by supercomputers, which can take a long time. This has created a necessity for an invention that can address those issues. One might ask where can we apply this computing? The answer is where not?

A logistics company with 50 cities to sell, needs to know the best way to save money on diesel. An investment firm needs to ensure that its investments are risk-balanced. To better understand drug interactions, a pharmaceutical firm needs to model molecules. For instance, Quantum battery technology is used to create a new generation of electric vehicles. Quantum computing assisted substance discovery by reducing atmospheric carbon emissions. The quest for the Higgs phenomena and the universe’s beginnings are on with the help of quantum computing.

Expectations around quantum computers

  • Quantum computers are incredibly efficient devices that have a completely different approach to data processing. This technology, which is based on quantum mechanics principles, is built to take advantage of nature’s often hidden and complicated laws.
  • They can use subatomic particles and atoms as their physical system, whereas classical or traditional computers use a large number of transistors to achieve higher processing speed.
  • These machines process knowledge more holistically since these computers are built to harness such natural behaviour. They’ll also use innovative algorithms that could lead to surprising and groundbreaking scientific breakthroughs in the future.
  • It was best represented by Seth Lloyd, a mechanical engineering professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who said: A classical computation is similar to a solo voice, consisting of a single line of pure tones that follow each other. A Quantum computation is similar to a symphony, with several lines of interfering tones. This explains the expectations mount on these devices.
  • These machines would not appear in the same way as our current computers do. We don’t even anticipate them having access to a computer or keyboard. Instead, they’ll be complex installations requiring cryogenics to keep lasers and other solid-state and optical instruments cool in subzero temperatures.
  • We are still in the early stages of the fourth industrial revolution, but once these machines understand “the dream,” you can expect the Quantum Age to usher in a time of rapid progress and transformation.


As a result, the stakes are extremely high. Experts expect quantum computing to characterize global information technology for decades to come, from solving highly complex mathematical problems in the blink of an eye to constructing un-hackable global networks. Quantum computing has the potential to make the impossible possible in a variety of ways. As quantum computers become commercially available, the gap between them and traditional computers would be enormous.

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