Four Perks of Introducing Assessment Games in Your Recruitment Process

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What changes have you introduced in your recruitment process over the past few years? A panel interview? Or a one-hour assessment test? Though these changes may have improved the quality of recruits you appoint, you have to use innovative solutions like artificial intelligence (AI). These traditional testing methods can’t determine the responsiveness and confidence of a potential candidate. In addition, the elements of biasness and one-day performers live on. Your personal preferences will always get in the way of making the right decision.

If you really want to see more talent and skill enter your team, you’re going to have to introduce gamification into your hiring process. Such assessments are perfect for testing how a candidate will respond in various situations. If you are looking only for the best for your B2C or online B2B marketplace, then gamified assessments can prove to be worthwhile.

Employee assessment process with the help of AI is an excellent way to analyze a candidate’s potential to perform and finish tasks. In addition, you can also understand their ability and willingness to remain focused. Assessment games are crucial in helping you hunt down the best candidates for the job. If you still want to know more, here are four perks of arranging gamification in your recruitment process.

1.     The Perfect Evaluation Technique

You’ll come across many people who may not do so well on their day of the interview or written test. It just may not be the best day for them. However, that could happen to anyone, including you. It could be due to their lack of confidence to answer questions straight up, or nervousness of going for their first interview. Due to this, you may even lose appointing the perfect candidate. An unpresentable resume or lack of ability to handle the pressure of a panel interview shouldn’t be the reasons to reject someone.

On the other hand, with the help of assessment games, you can actually test a candidate’s full potential. Such games are fun and challenging at times. So everyone has a shot at performing. You are free to have your interviews once such a test is done, as then you’ll at least be aware of the talent a specific candidate has.

2.     Unbiased Decisions

Recruitment officers usually end up making biased decisions considering certain aspects. For instance, gender, experience, age, qualification and sometimes even the weightage of the resume. It is pretty common to see younger audience suffer due to lack of experience. On the other hand, the ones who are too old also face difficulties as they may not be energetic enough. Even if they have the required set of skills and talent, you may end up rejecting them just because your mind tells you to. Such behavior will merely cost you the benefits a talented fellow may bring to your organization.

However, with the help of an AI operated gamification process, you’ll see all sorts of people battle it out in the same arena. Age, years of experience, college grades will just be numbers that you can avoid. Since these tests are operated through a computer, the results will always prove or be unbiased. A gamified assessment allows candidates to perform and impress by playing at their full potential. Therefore, thanks to AI you can now get a list of candidates that have only been evaluated based on their capabilities and skills. Such a process allows every person an equal opportunity to stand out.

3.     A Wider Audience

Whenever we publish a new job ad, we tend to high light specific skills, qualifications and requirements that candidates must have to apply for the vacancy. You’ll receive a bundle of resumes, but from a limited audience. In addition, there are strong chances that you do not even find someone worthy enough.

Although, when it comes to gamification testing, you’ll attract a wider audience. You may even see applicants with barely any experience, yet possess the mind of a genius. These games will hand you with a list of applicants that have what it takes to help your business grow.

4.     Recruitment Can Get Boring

Conducting interviews and going through resumes every day can get boring in some time. When that happens, you as an employer may make mistakes while hiring someone just to get a move on with the process and speed things up. ­– Such decisions can cost the company!

However, by merely introducing a gamified assessment you’ll have the opportunity to learn. You can view results and witness how candidates complete specific tasks. You may come across new decision-making techniques and management skills that could help you improve as a recruiter. The thirst for learning can help you remain focused and develop your interest.

Wrap Up

AI has become a significant aspect of the business world. This technology has been seen in improving the recruitment process, customer support, and even consumer experience in a sales cycle.

You can make the most out of artificial intelligence by simply introducing gamified assessments in your hiring process. The perks mentioned above are enough to convince you to create your next game assessment and hire top-class employees for your organization.

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