If you are intersected to participate in business and other professional networking, it is essential you create a LinkedIn account. Companies have used LinkedIn messaging tools to connect with their employees. Handling business communications between the employer and employee through LinkedIn enhances the company’s brand visibility and gives the members a chance to interreact with other professionals in their field. LinkedIn messaging and alerts can be hectic to follow-up. Piwaa is a new messaging tool meant to solve all those messy messages notification in your LinkedIn account.
What is Piwaa?
Piwaa is a saviour messaging tool developed to help in organizing LinkedIn messages. Are you looking for a job vacancy, want to enhance your brand’s social awareness, or want to connect with your friend? LinkedIn has proved to be the best fit application serving all these purposes. Piwaa is a messaging tool added to your LinkedIn account and helps in the organization and control of all the conversations. The tool comes as a chrome extension, so, it’s readily available in the chrome web store.
How is LinkedIn Benefiting from Piwaa?
A voluminous number of people are signing up and creating LinkedIn accounts every day, increasing messaging. In LinkedIn, you keep track of your conversation bases on the date sent. The application lacks message organization such that you can miss on a vital notification if you don’t keep up with the daily updates. How can you benefit from Piwaa chrome extension?
Piwaa enhances your LinkedIn messaging efficiency. How? Adding the extensions to your account gives you a chance to schedule automatic message reminders. Write your message and program the delivery time, and you won’t have to set alarms anymore.
The messaging tool has an easy-to-use interface that improves LinkedIn messages’ organisation. With Piwaa, you can tag LinkedIn prospects, filter your conversation, thus increasing your correspondence speed. Creating tags, you save time spent scrolling through the old discussions, the norm I the linked messaging. When you use the filter and tag feature in Piwaa, you have a better organized Linkedin mailbox.
Sometimes, we take time while replying to LinkedIn messages. For example, your friends asked for some work documents put you promised to send it later since you were held-up. It’s easy to forget it, but while you have the Piwaa extension installed in your account, it has a snooze feature. The snooze Piwaa feature gives one a chance to set reply reminders; hence you will always honour your promises.
Using LinkedIn messaging can be overwhelming when you receive multiple messages at a go. How can I keep up with all this conversation? Will I be able to reply to all the messages fairly on a timely basis? These are common questions LinkedIn users battle with. Relax! Install the Piwaa messaging tool, and you will be able to set generic replies. With the generic reply features, previous responses are saved and used to respond to similar texts. This makes your messaging faster ion LinkedIn.
In summary
LinkedIn is the best professional networking platform that connects people globally. It would be wrong if you lost your dream job because you didn’t send a timely reply. Hence, to improve LinkedIn messaging efficiency, all you need is install the Piwaa extensions to your account.