Thursday, January 23, 2025

How cloud computing will change in 2019?

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In the previous year, the multi-cloud strategy had reached to a next level. Virtustream suggests that almost 86% of enterprises have used a multi-cloud strategy. It was expected that in 2019, multicloud influence will increase even further. This is mainly due to the enterprise try to dodge vendor lock-in.

The adoption of cloud-based technologies has increased significantly in recent years and experts believe that the Could Computing sector will witness major changes in the coming years. The multi cloud approach helps the business to deploy the mixing of cloud apps for the benefits of their organisations. Technologies like kubernetes can be used to deploy applications across different cloud providers.

1. Public cloud providers will differentiate:

With the help of Infrastructure as a service, major businesses are welcoming any kind of new technologies that drives the RAM consumption and CPU. For the major public cloud providers, 2019 will be as usual. The major players of the IT enterprise have to change the strategy while the multi cloud becoming the norm. The best example of it is Google focusing on AI credentials and Microsoft on zero workload migration.

IBM’s acquisition of Red Hat points to potential cloud competition, while non-US companies continue to improve their capabilities locally, with a clear eye on international development. growing pressure from other players in the public cloud.

2. Challenges remain for cloud Deployments:

As the complexity increases, the challenges still remain for deploying the cloud effectively by the business.With the current pace of cloud innovation demands, business will realize the benefits of continuous integration delivery approach.

To reduce disruption with each new implementation as development teams seek to fine-tune software, businesses need to rely on open source technologies. As a result of the software implementation, there will be commercial benefits of this approach. It helps the teams for pinpointing the changes in productivity.

3.Shifting from Automation to AI:

With the increase in the complexity and size of the cloud deployment, the IT team must be keen regarding the details like how and where the cloud runs. There will be a wide shift in the resource allocation, automation of monitoring and troubleshooting within the cloud. The major step to be taken in 2019 is the adoption of artificial intelligence. It will be arising from the fluid nature of the cloud. The fear of vendor lock-in and multi-cloud approach had resulted in the less static cloud strategies.

In order to sustain multi-cloud infrastructure, the business will need to embrace the adaptable process automation. Concepts such as automatic processing are undeniably valuable to any cloud team, but without a truly adaptable AI, it will be increasingly difficult for them to adapt to the changing complexity of the cloud landscape.

4.Managing Containers at scale:

Businesses already learnt about the benefits of containers. The main task is to advance the usage of containerization for the management of large-scale deployments in 2019. The main goal of huge vendors is to increase and differentiate the specific capabilities of their product, in order to snap out the smaller and niche players in the business.

Serverless computing is going to play a major role in 2019. The opensource serverless solutions will be given a red carpet by the developer’s community, which helps in shaping the technology ecosystem in the future.

5.Edge of Hype and Reality:

With the increase in the number of devices connected to the cloud, 2019 will be a year of more matured Edge deployments. Edge computing is going to take off with the growth of 5G and ongoing trials on the technology. Business can apply the data collected in real time at the edge with the new 5G standard. More data can be farmed off with 1-millisecond latency and multi-gigabit-per-second speed for ensuring the date to be used in crowd sourced intelligence and wider possible ways.

Edge computing will be a unique technology for taking us to the connectivity world. The proof of concept is another major key factor for demanding the enhanced solutions from the cloud providers for ensuring a financially and effective viable edge.

6.Shifting more focus on security:

There is tremendous growth in the cloud-based technologies which is great news for all the IT-based companies. But a robust security system is required by all the cloud computing companies if in case of any serious threating issues. Entire cloud will get crumbled down if any of the hackers manage to breach into the cloud. All the data will gets exposed and there will be a huge loss for all the companies.

In 2019 to avoid catastrophic system failures, stringent security protocols will be developed. More security engineers have to be employed in making the cloud a safer place by deploying advanced encryption technologies.

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