How To Convert Binary Code into Text Format Easily?

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Did you know that every text you type on your digital device has a binary code in digits?

Binary code is the sequence of os and 1s that comes in a sequence whenever you write something on your laptop, computer, and mobiles.

However, you can convert binary to text format easily.

The purpose of binary encoding is to get the printable characters for several reasons.

Here in this article, we will discuss what binary code is and how to decode it using a text converter!

Continue your reading to know more!

What Are Binary Numbers?

The binary number is a core of a digital system that has three basic properties, decimal, octal, and hexadecimal.

This number system is based on only two numbers 0 and 1.

If you get a bit more interest in binary numbers, you will know that every digital device like computers, laptops, and mobiles are based on binary numbers.

What’s The Relation Between Text & Binary Numbers?

As we know, text is an object that can be seen, read, and learn. For example, you are reading this article and it is in the text form.

Text has an alphabetical sequence of A, B, C, D.

Now you might be thinking what’s the point and why it is related to binary code?

Well, if you are a tech enthusiast or developer, you may know that sometimes we need to decode the binary numbers to know the sequence.

However, there are several methods that you can use to convert the binary number into the text.

Let’s have a look at them!

1 – First Method Is to Use Binary to Decimal Converter

As we said, binary code has two numbers only 0 and 1.

Now, you will have a binary number that has a sequence. What you can do is follow the steps to convert the binary into the text.

You can create groups of binary numbers by assigning 8 bits to each group. After that, you start the decoding by starting from the group in order to do the binary string.

When you see that the last group does not have 8 bits till the end, fill it out with 0s.

Your next step is converting the binary number that contains the octal value to its corresponding decimal value.

These decimal values will be considered as ASCII values of the character.

Now, you should have an ASCII chart to evaluate and convert each decimal value to its character respectively.

In this way, you will get the text version of your binary number.

You Can Use Binary Translator Instead of Calculations

Are you looking for a simple and fast method? If yes, then a binary translator will help you derive the text version of your binary code.

This tool uses two methods to decode binary numbers known as ASCII and Unicode.

It will take less than a second to decode your binary value into text and the text version into the binary code.

What Is ASCII?

The ASCII stands for “American Standard Code For Information Interchange.”

Every ASCII code aims to represent the text on electronic devices like computers, laptops, mobiles, tablets, and machinery.

The interesting fact is that most of the modern codes used in telecommunication and other technologies are supported by ASCII.

What Is The Difference Between ASCII & UTF-8 (Unicode)?

The UTF is known as the Unicode Transformation Format in which 8 represents the bonding of 8-bit blocks.

The main difference between both of them is that ASCII was engulfed as the 128 symbols in the unicode and was launched in 1963.

On the other hand, it enables UTF-8 code to be connected with ASCII 7-bit as both of them have the same numeric code.

Despite everything, the major difference between both these codes is that ASCII represents the symbols, letters, digits, text in the computers.

However, the unicode is the code of universal character which is widely used for processing, storing, and facilitating the interchange of text data in different languages.

In simple words, the characters that you read, write, and learn digitally are processed by ASCII and it is defined more precisely in every language spoken in the world by Unicode.

Advantages & Disadvantages Of Using Binary Numbers

Everything in this world comes up with benefits and some flaws. It’s our choice whether we consider the advantages or disadvantages more.

However, the point is that technology has evolved more with the binary numbers and there are more advantages with controllable flaws.

Let’s have a look at the advantages and disadvantages of Binary Codes:

It Is Easy to Process

Like we said before, the binary code depends on two numbers only 0s and 1s. They are super easy to decode.

Moreover, electronic devices can easily process the binary value and react instantly in no time.

The most interesting fact is that any electronic device can be built easily by consuming less time with it.

In simple words, the electronic devices that are made on the basis of binary numbers are simpler to make compared to hexadecimal and octal.


There are not any major disadvantages of this thing but as a matter of fact, it consumes more space and storage. Every character that you read in the binary number is very lengthy.

Final Words

Our world revolves around millions and billions of electronic devices and every device has either ASCII code or UTF-8 code.

The point is technology evolves as the human brain thinks about something new that becomes revolutionary.

There are several benefits of using both binary codes. If you are at your learning stage, then using the help of a binary translator will be more efficient.

Otherwise, if you are good with maths, then manually calculations will also give you precise results.

If you find any helpful value in this article, then we hope you may now know how to convert binary code into text format easily.

Moreover, if you ever had interest to know what a binary number looks like when you type something, the binary translator is a good option to use.

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