Indian Railway makes the use of Electric Locomotive with Solar Power

By Sony T
3 Min Read
Indian Railway makes the use of Electric Locomotive with Solar Power 1

Piyush Goyal-chaired Ministry of Railways takes up the lead to build the green-environment in Indian Railways with the use of renewable energy. Not only making the use of installation of bio-toilets but also the electrification of railway tracks, could be a way to engage the people with more environment-friendly network.


As Indian Railways is reported to be the enormous consumer of energy, the national transporter makes the best use of environment friendly technologies to enhance the network wisely. Thus, the Indian Railways looks after the 5 major Eco-friendly steps to cook the correct dish:

Electric Locomotive: The national transporter structured its firstly established 12,000 HP electric locomotive from the area of Alstom. This made a run as a make in India agreement that was worth 3.5 billion euros.

Furthermore, the electric locomotive headed the distance in Indian Railways while accepting the phenomenon to go green and thus, minimising the acceptance of carbon footprint. Furthermore, the changed locomotive now delivers up to 10,000 HP against 2 X 2612 HP countable of two diesel locomotive, that makes nearly 10 percent of the initial one.

CNG Substitution: The initiatives of the Indian Railways also involve the substitution of the Compressed Natural Gas(CNG). According to a release by the PIB as was issued by the Ministry of Railways back in the month of January 2019, trains were calculated to take about 20 percent of CNG substitution in diesel engines that would take along an approximate of 23 Diesel Power Cars of Diesel Electric Multiple Unit (DEMU) trains, while Indian Railways launches the solar energy based DEMUs.

Bio-Toilets: Indian Railways has worked through the way to launch bio-toilets in train coaches and areas to cater to the needs of the public with health and hygiene issues. The previous year, Piyush Goyal announced the coming of 100 percent bio-toilets throughout the trains for the cleanliness of the trains and the people’s usage, enhancing the overall quality of the environment.

Solar energy: Indian Railways is furthermore, acting on the installation of solar panels over the rooftops of the railway stations and other service buildings to provide better energy systems. Indian Railways thus, plans to step ahead with the installation of 1000 Mega Watt (MW) solar power by the year 2020-2021, to make even the national transporter, use the renewable energy.

Greener and energy-efficient stations: Indian Railways is looking forward to cater with the situations to get greener and cleaner by the modification and determination to plant more trees. Also, several railway stations provide the initiate to work with vertical gardens and also, plastic bottle crushers to avoid and reduce plastic  wastes. article

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By Sony T
Sony is a passionate bloggers writes on Futuristic technologies ...
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