Installing trading apps on VPS

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Trading on forex is not an easy challenge and requires profound knowledge. However, every trader needs to have a suitable trading platform for maximizing profits. This article will be about installing trading apps on VPS, which stands for a virtual private server.

How to install MT4 on a VPS server with the correct settings

A dedicated VPS server is useful for both beginner and professional trader. Uninterrupted operation of advisers and a strategy tester, automatic recovery from failures with saving settings – this is not a complete list of advantages. Installing MT4 correctly is not enough – you need to make a number of other required settings.

After the procedure of connecting to the server is completed, the user will have access to a remote working Windows, all the actions on which (opening, copying, moving, deleting, and others) are similar to a desktop PC:

  • Shortcut on the desktop. Press the right mouse button and select “Create” – “Shortcut” in the first field of the Helper, enter “mstsc” (short for Microsoft Terminal Service Client);.
  • We start the program by shortcut, in the settings we specify the IP address of the server received from the provider, as well as the username “Administrator”.
  • Click “Connect” and enter the password. When a warning about checking the security certificate appears, turn on the setting “Do not display a request to connect to this computer again”.

Now you need to install MT4 – this can be done in two ways: through the browser on the VPS desktop, by downloading the installation file from the site of a reliable broker, or by copying the portable version. In terms of reliability, it is generally a good idea to select a broker and a website that has instructions on how to install a trading app properly.

If you’re looking for a more visual version of the tutorial, you can click to read MT4 on VPS installation guide here and see how exactly the files are managed and adjusted in the installation process overall.

Add Expert Advisor

On the VPS desktop, a terminal shortcut and the “For Advisors” folder appear, into which we copy the necessary files. If there is no such folder, install the advisers directly in the necessary MetaTrader directories, as on the local computer:

We start the remote connection and select the item “Settings” – “Local resources” – “Local devices” – “Details” in the settings.

In the window that appears, select the disk on the local computer from which the advisor will be transferred. On low-speed channels, files can be processed with a delay, like any other actions on the server (mouse clicks, opening folders, etc.).

Copy to the “/ MQL4 / Expert” or “For Advisors” folders and restart the server. In MT4, we transfer the adviser to the chart and if a smiley appears in the upper right corner – everything is done correctly.

We remove duplication of transactions

So, the adviser is uploaded to the VPS server and started to trade. At first glance, it’s enough to install MT4 correctly, and there can be no problems, but this is not entirely true. One of the most common is that we connect through the remote desktop, and the connection ends immediately, although the server continues to work. The one who applied first seizes access, and the rest are denied. Under certain circumstances, the server can create another account, which can lead to disastrous consequences for the deposit.

If several more terminals for one deposit are opened in parallel, then copies of all open transactions, indicators, and advisers will also be created in them.

Auto reboot

The server can be rebooted after both scheduled work and due to technical failures that occur despite advertisements of uninterrupted operation in the “24 hours / 7 days a week” mode. In this case, the terminals are automatically restarted, but only if the provider was originally focused on supporting Forex trading.

But in the case when trading is on universal cloud services, such as Microsoft Azure or Amazon Web Server, to automatically restart MetaTrader, you need to transfer it to the Start folder – “All Programs” – “Startup”.

Controlling the server

With significant sales, it is always good to be constantly up to date on the server or problems. It’s easy to install MT4 on a personal computer and organize constant monitoring, but for mobile devices, you need to install a special program from a VPS provider or use a third-party service.

Forex industry is a vast field. Keep in mind that having a trading platform does not minimize risk – it is only aimed to make your trading easier and comfortable. No one is protected from risks and when you are dealing with earning money, risks follow you all the time.

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