Reliance Jio has revealed a Jio Saarthi, which is an in-app digital assistant that is designed to make digital recharge easier. The telecom has integrated the assistant, which it calls as an in-app genie, within the MyJio app to facilitate the digital recharges for the Jio subscribers.
The latest move is also aimed to boost online recharges with the help of a dedicated app and make the digital process much easier for the users who have not done an online recharge as of now. The Jio Saarthi integration is expected to available to the customers by the end of the day.
What is Jio Saarthi?
Providing step by step voice directions for picking up a recharge option with the MyJio app, Jio Saarthi is designed to help the users to locate payment details and use their credit card or debit card or net-banking for digital recharges.
Jio Saarthi will as of now be available in two languages Hindi and English, with the Reliance Jio is planning to make it available in two regional languages gradually to ease the process of recharge for all of its customers in India.
Reliance Jio is projecting Jio Saarthi as first of its kind digital initiative specifically designed for the Jio customers who have not done an online recharge. Moreover, this feature is yet to be available on the MyJio app.