Liferay, a leading developer of software that allows companies to create digital experiences on the web, mobiles, and other connected devices, recently concluded its Liferay User Groups (LUGs) event. At LUG events, companies using Liferay products interact with others who use Liferay products. A LUG event is collaborative and one where attendees are Liferay community members who share commonalities such as working in the same geography, speaking the same language, employment in the same industry, and other common traits.
LUGs are a great platform for users of Liferay products to interact with each other. They facilitate the exchange of knowledge about Liferay’s products and their underlying technologies. LUGs also allow the exceptionally large community that uses Liferay’s products to learn from each other, something few communities of such a large size can normally do. LUGs organize local events and gatherings, provide tools that allow members to stay in touch with live gatherings, and by promoting members help them grow professionally. Since their creation, LUGs have been immensely successful in facilitating collaboration between users of Liferay’s products.
The recent LUG event was attended by over 85 professionals representing more than 45 companies each of which uses Liferay’s products. The presence of a large number of attendees at the event highlighted that Liferay’s products are increasingly popular and used by many leading companies. During the event, Liferay shared information about all 4 of its products as well as features found in the latest versions of each. Attendees, in addition to being acquainted with the features found on Liferay’s newest product versions, were encouraged to begin using the newest versions as well.
Speaking about the recently concluded LUG event, Mr. Manish Gupta, Director, Liferay India and the SAARC nations said “Users of Liferay’s software platforms enjoy using them because of their functionality, intuitiveness, and flexibility. Our platform is very widely used and continuously evolving. Because it is open-source, it can be adopted for use by a wide range of businesses”.
He further added, “LUGs allow users of Liferay’s products to discuss their experiences using our products and exchange information that often leads to their improvement and adoption for wider use. We are thrilled by the recently concluded LUG event as it allowed users to share learning’s about our products in a collaborative and productive atmosphere”.