Qualcomm’s Snapdragon XR2+ Gen 1 chipset was introduced on Tuesday. The company’s latest chipset for wearables will power the new launch Meta Quest Pro VR/MR headset. The chipmaker has offered more details about the new processor, which is going to offer improved thermal performance and higher sustained power compared to the previous generation chipset from Qualcomm. If we talk about the features of the Snapdragon XR2+ Gen 1, then it comes with a new image processing pipeline that achieves less than ten milliseconds of latency, unlocking full-color video pass-through for mixed reality (MR).
As per the latest announcement of the Snapdragon XR2+ Gen 1 chipset, it is estimated that this chipset will also support 8K 60 frames-per-second 360-degree video, ‘concurrent perception’ technologies, including head, hand, and controller tracking, 3D reconstruction, automatic room mapping, and high pixel density. The features of the chip improved by 30% in thermal performance and 50% higher sustained power compared to the previous generation.
One of the main and interesting parts of the launch is that the Meta Quest Touch Pro controllers are powered by the Snapdragon 662 platform, which allows them to track through multiple embedded positional cameras. They also offer ultra-low latency to the headset.
As per the commitment made by Qualcomm, there are multiple OEMs that have committed to launching devices powered by the XR2+ by the end of the year. Snapdragon XR chips are powered over 60 XR devices around the globe, as mentioned by GSMArena.
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said at the company’s annual Connect conference on Tuesday that Meta Quest Pro is a new high-end and advanced virtual reality (VR) headset. He also added that the company is partnering with Microsoft and Accenture.
As per the company, Meta Quest Pro was the first entry in Meta’s new high-end line of devices with innovative features that includes high-res sensors, crisp LCD displays, a new design, eye tracking, and natural facial expressions, that will help you reflect your avatar in a more natural way in VR.
With pre-orders announced, Meta Quest Pro will be available on October 25. Meta Quest Pro includes the headset, Meta Quest Touch Pro controllers, stylus tips, partial light blockers, and a charging dock.