Securing Sensitive Data: Exploring Document Management Software’s Access Control Features

By Srikanth
5 Min Read
Securing Sensitive Data: Exploring Document Management Software's Access Control Features 1

An electronic document management software is a system that assists your enterprise in effortlessly storing, retrieving, sharing, tracking, and managing vital documents and files. Access control of an enterprise document management solution refers to the capacity it renders to project managers and administrators to allocate distinct levels of accessibility to users or teams. This unique feature permits you to limit access to specific users from opening sensitive files or documents.


To apply access control, system administrators create user roles first. Such user roles specify the level of accessibility of a user or a group to the document management software. After this, permissions are assigned to them, which in turn regulate the actions of the users with access to the documents. They can edit, view or even dispose of documents, but the system will restrict them if an effort is not allowed. You can use password protection and encryption to ensure your essential data’s safety. Here are four benefits of access control in a DMS that helps you safeguard your organization’s impessential from external threats- 

1. Enhanced security – A digital document management strategy has the potential to keep the confidential data of your company safe and secure from cyber risks or data thefts.The firm members involved with performing tasks are assigned different credentials to acquire access to necessary folders and documents. This ultimately enhances the security of your data as only the chosen parties are allowed to open or change the content of the documents or files.

Per the authorities on cyber-security, the most significant risk to your organization’s information comes from casual employees with passwords rather than cyber-attacks. 

2. Cloud-based access control – If you implement cloud-based access control, you expand how your business can assemble data files. Making an off-site storage space and access point to retrieve information will give you access to your documents, even if a disaster strikes. With this feature, the company’s crucial documents will always be present. The data is stored in separate folders in a cloud-based storage facility and can be recovered whenever necessary. 

This reduces the risk of cyber threats due to the system’s good encryption and other security services. In addition, a document management system keeps your files secure and makes retrieval effortless.

3. Reporting Compliance – The access control feature elevates your faculty to maintain compliance with many essential reports. For instance, you can scrutinize who accessed which file at what time and what were the alterations made. In addition, you can track your user or groups as most cloud storage facilities have. Access control is significant if you establish a zero-trust approach to safeguard your organization’s valuable information.

4. Reduction in errors – Implementing an enterprise document management solution inevitably reduces the risks of manual errors in the storage and retrieval of documents. You can access any file or document you wish to, but the workers whose access is restricted to only a few actions cannot make unauthorized changes and adjustments to the document or delete the files. 

Electronic document management strategies are indispensable to a company’s growth and improved management structure.


Any cloud-based document management system can accommodate time-consuming and complex tasks, operations, and projects associated with storing, recovering, disposing, and viewing official documents. Not only does the system allow you to minimize the need for extra storage space, but it also lessens the probability of unwanted errors and misplacements. However, it can lead to additional expenses, whereas the job can be done within a few moments with a lesser budget if you use a DMS. 

In digital document management software, all the information is stored in a central storage area equipped with unchallenging and comprehensive search facilities on content and metadata for emails, documents, correspondences, etc. Furthermore, access control lets you take charge of the situation, as the system administrators are responsible for choosing the access level for each individual or group. So, to ensure the proper management of your company’s precious data, using document management software is an unquestionable deal.

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