What is Tier IV Data Center

By Srikanth
4 Min Read
What is Tier IV Data Center 1

The availability of the Tier standards of the Data Centers gives the definition. Tier I is one of the basic level that is non-redundant and cannot cope with failures or hotfix requirements. In such a scenario, the loss level could lead to several dozen hours of unavailability over a year. The highest level, Tier IV is highly resistant to potential characteristics. What is tier IV data center ? tier IV also known as “fault-tolerant”, can be redundant of its equipment. Thus, this has come closer to the “zero failure” level and offers close to 100% availability.


The Tier availability levels are based on a set of criteria that covers the system of the site’s mechanical, electrical and structural features and the operating processes. They also carry the general information carried out by the teams responsible for carrying them out daily, whether for maintenance or incident response activities. This increases the possibility of aligning the infrastructure design to use the business’s services. Entrusting data to a Data Center service provider is one of the significant decisions required for obtaining information about the guarantees offered and the Tier certification granted by the Uptime Institute meets that were needed.

Tier 4 Data Centers:

Tier 4 is the highest-class certification that a data centre can attain. Facilities indulged must pass strict design requirements covering all the structural, mechanical, electrical, and site elements. With this, the data centres are secure, climate-controlled, and highly redundant.

Along with fulfilling the essential requisites of Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 data centres, Tier 4 data centres must meet the following criteria:

•         99.995% Uptime – This is generally or sometimes known as 9’s; Tier 4 facilities have 99.99% availability and often reach 100% uptime year after year due to their high redundant power infrastructure.

•         2N+1 Redundancy – This model helps double the operational capacity (2N) with the extra backup component (+1) at the time of failure while the data centre uses the secondary system.

•         Fault Tolerant – The fully redundant processes are less prone to failure. All IT equipment must follow a fault-tolerant power design.

• 96-Hour Outage Protection – The data centre must have the capacity of four days of independent power that is not connected to any outside source.

•         Continuous Cooling – The data centre environment must remain at an ideal temperature for maximum output and to extend the hardware lifecycle.

Tier 4 data centres also facilitate enterprise-level service for mission-critical infrastructure. Being a most sophisticated tier, Tier 4 data centre clients will require the most extreme service demand.

Tier 4 data centre list

CtrlS Datacenter

CtrlS Datacenter is an Indian-based company with its headquarters in Hyderabad, India. The company was founded in the year 2007 by Sridhar Pinnapureddy. The company’s operations take place in Mumbai, Noida, and Bangalore.

GPX Global Systems Inc.

GPX is a privately owned company which Nick Tanzi founded.

The company designs work on developing and operating Tier 4 data centres in Africa and South Asia’s fast-growing commercial markets. It is South Asia’s first Uptime Institute Tier IV-certified infrastructure.

SUPERNAP International

The company, SUPERNAP International, was established in 2014. The company is partnered with Switch and ACDC Fund. The company has a license for Switch’s patented designs and protocols.

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