What to know before sending your first press release?

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Press releases are branding and credibility tools, but can be used for SEO as well. They’re a fantastic method to spread the news and effectively brand businesses, products, and services.

A press release allows you to publicize your firm and its services in an ethical, journalistic manner that prioritizes newsworthiness and branding over SEO, social media, and other methods.

A well-written release can generate social signals, drive shares, direct targeted and organic traffic, and create journalist interest in other countries. Before you send a press release, you need to create a checklist to ensure the quality of the messaging. Before you submit the press release, make sure you check these five basic items.  

The newsworthiness of your story: 

It’s the whole purpose of a press release to distribute information. You’re wasting everyone’s time if you don’t have an intriguing, relevant topic to tell. Sure, press releases are all about getting your name out there and marketing your business, but there has to be some news content in them to do so.

If you send out stories that aren’t newsworthy, you’ll lose credibility, and reporters will eventually stop paying attention to your brand. Check out the factors and recommendations by experts for deciding whether or not your press release is noteworthy.

Claims and figures mention in your release: 

While commercials may be based on sensationalism, press release distribution and news articles are based on facts. Yes, you want to write a compelling story, but it must be factually correct and balanced.

That’s why it’s vital to double-check your press releases. If your press release involves any statistics, double-check them to ensure they are correct.

Make it SEO friendly:

SEO is a vital aspect of any press release distribution approach, whether you like it or not. Your press releases will almost certainly show up online, and if they aren’t optimized, they won’t help you much.

However, improving your press releases is a simple process. Always make sure that you target relevant keywords, including the term in the headline if it’s natural to do so, and incorporating keyword-rich, relevant backlinks throughout your content. 

Follow press release basics:

You should already be aware of these, but let’s go through them again. The following items should be included in every press release you send out:

  • Headline and subheading
  • When will it be released?
  • Who, what, when, where, and why inquiries are all answered?
  • Information about how to contact us
  • A brief description of your business

Identify the fluff:

Finally, review your press release to ensure it is as concise as possible. It’s possible that having too much information will give a bad result in the end. Remember, the purpose of your press release is to convey a simple news story and entice reporters to inquire further. Any information that is irrelevant or off-topic should be discarded.


Finally, the future of your public relations – and the reputation of your company – is in your hands. Make the best of the time.

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