The CEO of Meta, Mark Zuckerberg has announced the latest launch of a new feature on WhatsApp. This new feature is going to grant the permission to the users to transmit 60-second video messages directly within the messaging app. Regardless to before, this time there’s no need to attach video files as the videos are now instantly recorded and shared.
The official spoke person has mentioned that Video messages are a real-time way to respond to chats with whatever the user want to say and show in 60 seconds. Meta feels that this will be a fun way to share moments with all the emotion that comes from video.
Automatically, the videos will be played on mute when opened in a chat. Once the user tap on the video, the sound will get activated.
Video messages are protected with end-to-end encryption so that the messages are kept secured. Now some of the questions that come into the mind is that:
How WhatsApp Video message feature is differentiated from others?
WhatsApp’s new video message features can actively transmit the videos. Before the update, users could send videos to contacts or groups, which were already saved to the smartphones of the user. However, with the latest update, videos can be recorded and sent in real-time without saving the contact.
How the new feature update is beneficial?
The latest feature provides a sense of immediacy and authenticity, as recipients can communicate that the video was recently recorded.
Forwarding the video messages directly is not possible. The users still save them by screen recording, as they are not sent using the view once mode.
How to know if the feature is rolled out in your application?
To check if you can send video messages on WhatsApp, open any chat, tap the microphone button in the chat bar. If it changes to a video camera button, you can now record video messages. When you receive a video message, tap the video once to listen to the audio.