WordPress Security Tricks to Keep Your Business Website Safe

By Srikanth
7 Min Read
WordPress Security Tricks to Keep Your Business Website Safe 1

While WordPress security core software is secure, WordPress sites are the ones getting hacked every day at an alarming rate.


According to a Q3 study, WordPress websites were the most infected at 83%. There are certain reasons why these sites are a common target of hackers. One reason is that WordPress is the world’s most popular website builder used by several businesses.

As a business owner with a WordPress site, there are numerous things you can do to combat malware and hackers. Changing your site to HTTPS, enabling a web application firewall, keeping your WordPress updated, securing your wp-config.php files, installing a WordPress backup solution, and using strong passwords are some great measures.

This article will run you through all those vital security measures to decrease the chances of your site getting compromised.

1.   Change Your Site to HTTPS

Is your site still using HTTP? Consider getting an SSL certificate and switch your site to HTTPS. An SSL certificate enables you to switch your site to Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS), a more protected version of HTTP. It encrypts your site’s data while it is being transferred between your website server and browser.

WordPress Security Tricks to Keep Your Business Website Safe 2

WordPress does provide SSL certificates to their users for free. It is better to install a free certificate and secure your site than not using it at all, but as with every free item, it comes with limitations.

A free version will only provide you one domain validation while paid certificates offer several. Moreover, if you pay for a certificate, you get support, warranty, and extended validity.

You can Buy Cheap SSL Certificates from Cheap SSL Shop for your WordPress site and install it. They offer SSL certificates from globally trusted SSL brands like RapidSSL, Thawte, and GeoTrust at a discounted price.

2.   Enable a Web Application Firewall

A Web Application Firewall (WAF) is a firewall designed specifically for websites to block all sorts of unwanted attacks. By enabling it, you can protect your servers, specific websites, or entire groups of sites. This program will function as a fence between your website and the web.

It supervises the incoming activity, detects attacks, malware, and other unwanted events, and blocks anything it considers a risk. Some WAFs can even send a CAPTCHA challenge to a user to prove that they’re not a bot.

3.   Keep Your WordPress Updated

With each WordPress update, some bugs are always fixed, and a few security holes are patched. Thus, updating WordPress is an effective security measure. It is also crucial to update your plugins and themes for the same reasons.

When there are minor updates, WordPress will automatically download them by default. However, for significant updates, you will need to do it directly from your WordPress admin dashboard. Ensure that you create a complete WordPress backup before upgrading just in case something goes wrong.

4.   Secure Your wp-config.php Files

Protecting the WordPress wp-config.php file can strengthen your WordPress security. The WordPress wp-config.php file carries highly sensitive information about your WordPress installation, including the WordPress security keys and the WordPress database connection details. 

You can take help from experienced developers if you make any mistakes, otherwise, it might render your site inaccessible.

That said, if you are confident that you can do it on your own, first backup your website and then proceed further.

You will have to go to your wp-config.php file and add the following code:

<Files wp-config.php>
 order allow, deny
 deny from all

Here is a guide to help you hide your wp-config.php files.

5.   Install a WordPress Backup Solution

What is the first thing you will do if your site has been compromised? Thank the stars that you have a backup solution or curse yourself if you don’t have one.

Remember, nothing is 100% secure. Even with all the security measures taken, your site could still be hacked. Even big established names like British Airways, Facebook, and Google+ have been hacked in the past. 

If you have a backup, you can quickly restore your WordPress site in case something bad was to happen. You will find many free and paid WordPress backup plugins that you can use. Ensure to save your full-site backups regularly to a remote location and not in your hosting account).

6.   Use Strong Passwords

If you are unable to create strong passwords and remember on your own, take the help of password manager tools. Weak passwords are like goldmines for hackers to gain a foothold to get into your territory.

According to the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), “123456” was the most hacked and the easiest password to guess.

To avoid breach and hacking cases, make sure to keep changing your passwords often. On top of that, ensure that you never use the same password for two websites.


Don’t become a target of the hackers by leaving open doors. Take all the measures possible to ensure that your website is safe. Reducing the risk of your website getting hacked depends largely on your awareness and alertness.

Also, it won’t cost you much. You can Buy Cheap SSL Certificates from Cheap SSL Shop and switch your site from HTTP to HTTPS for more security.

Moreover, search engines will rank your site on the top if you are using a secure server. And as far as your customers are concerned, they want to deal with brands they can trust. And having a secured site is a sign of being a reputed and trustworthy company.

Employ all the tips mentioned above to secure your WordPress business site – it will help in your business growth.

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