Meta tests monetization tools in its VR platform

By Srikanth
3 Min Read

These days, Meta is leading towards testing several newly launched tools that will enable creators to experiment with different ways to monetize what they’re building in Horizon Worlds. With a handful of creators, the tests are being launched. By the term Horizon Worlds, we mean a free virtual reality, an online video game with an integrated game creation system that was developed and published by Meta Platforms for Oculus Rift S and Oculus Quest 2.


Rolling out the Virtual Items & Effects

Meta is working in the direction of selling a test that will let creators sell virtual items and effects within their worlds. For instance, someone could create and sell attachable accessories for a fashion world or offer paid access to a new part of the world.

Bonus Programs For Creators

Meta is also permitted to make in-world purchases; Meta is also beginning to test a Horizon Worlds Creator Bonus program for the participants of the US.

These bonuses can be gained in the form of goal-oriented monthly programs where the creators are paid at the end of the month regarding their goal-oriented progress. There are no fees implied on the creator bonuses, and will be paid a fully settled amount to creators. In this limited test, for now, the creators will be rewarded for building worlds that attract the most time spent, but with time Meta may evolve certain goals like encouraging creators to adopt new tools or features served by the Meta.

Creators who are participating in any of the monetization programs, which can be either in-world purchases or creator bonuses, are required to follow all of their policies for Horizon Worlds. The policies that are related to Horizon Worlds are the Conduct in VR Policy and Horizon Worlds Prohibited Content Policy in order to be eligible for earnings.

Meta is continuing to roll out more tools and support for all creators that make building a new world easier.

Betting big on the Metaverse

The Facebook parent company, which was renamed Meta last year, has invested a heavy amount in virtual and augmented reality to reflect its new bet on the metaverse. This is a futuristic idea of a network of virtual environments accessed via different devices where users can work, socialize, and even play.

The company is competing with virtual world players where land, buildings, avatars and even names can be bought and sold as non-fungible tokens or blockchain-based virtual assets.

The market for these assets exploded in the last few months, and with the increasing sales, they are fetching hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Meta’s Horizon Worlds, an expansive VR social platform and Horizon Venues are focused on virtual events, are early iterations of metaverse-like spaces.

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